Rambuteau Renoud-Grappin
Quality vintage french building materials
Rambuteau Renoud-Grappin
Quality vintage french building materials
Rambuteau Renoud-Grappin
Quality vintage french building materials

We have about a hundred stone and wood fireplaces available for sale, of different periods, models, dimensions, styles and colours.
They range from great rustic fireplaces suitable for a castle or a beautiful converted barn, to more sophisticated urban decors. At Rambuteau Renoud Grappin you will find the fireplace around which to gather your family and friends.
Fireplace accessories
Protection of the back wall by an iron fireback is recommended; this will also reflect the heat back into the room. At Rambuteau Renoud-Grappin you will find firebacks of all dimensions, styles and designs, as well as andirons.
Anne de Rambuteau
0(0 33) 6 80 89 70 42
Monday till Friday
8.15 to 12 am
1.15 to 5 pm
Saturdays by appointment
Le Moulin du Bois
45 rue du Moulin du Bois
71260 Charbonnières
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